Wind turbine health risks unfounded, says new research

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Wind turbine health risks unfounded, says new research

Most of the health studies , and this one too, accept that some people find wind turbines annoying and therefore feel their symptoms are being caused by the turbines; but there is no scientific evidence to support this.

More than 19 govt. funded health studies around the world all mostly say the same things and have never found reason enough to ever suggest safely sited wind farms are a health hazard . For example:

“This joint statement from the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, Iowa Policy Project, and the Iowa Environmental Council summarizes the results of the best research available and concludes that there is little scientific evidence that sound from wind turbines represents a risk to human health among neighboring residents.”

Here is the summary of the anti-wind lobbyists findings over the past 20 years:

    • Things to blame on wind farms: EVERYTHING
    • Things to credit wind farms for: NOTHING

DOWNLOAD: Wind Turbines & Health-Iowa Environmental Council


P.E.I. facility getting $660K from feds to combine solar and wind energy


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