Tax Fairness Now!

Image result for the monitor: tax fairness now

Taxes are the foundation of a healthy democracy. They fund the public services we depend on every day: roads, schools, community and social services, health care, justice, environmental protection and much more. But over two decades now, governments have undermined the progressivity of our tax system by cutting corporate and top income tax rates and letting tax loopholes proliferate. The top 1% of Canadians by income now pay a lower overall rate than all other income groups, including the poorest 10%.

Emerging from its 43rd federal election, Canada faces no shortage of urgent domestic and global challenges. We can afford to fund solutions to crises like poverty, housing and climate change, but substantial progress will require more funding and that should come from making our tax system fairer. This special edition of the Monitor explores how we can do that.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll find in the issue.

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Cover illustration by Michael Haddad.



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