Nipissing First Nation blasts ‘mainstream media’ over Wet’suwet’en coverage

Nipissing First Nation chief and council is signalling its support for the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs opposed to the construction of a natural gas pipeline through their traditional territory in British Columbia. Michael Lee/The Nugget

Nipissing First Nation chief and council are slamming the “mainstream media” for misrepresenting Indigenous nations and voices in the ongoing dispute over a natural gas pipeline in British Columbia opposed by Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

In a statement posted on the Nipissing First Nation website Thursday, chief and council say “it can be difficult to distinguish facts from rhetoric and truth from hidden agendas” in light of the “barrage of information” from social media and the misrepresentation from mainstream media.

They also point to the 1997 Supreme Court of Canada ruling which said the Wet’suwet’en people, as represented by their hereditary leaders, had not given up rights and title to their 22,000-square-kilometre territory.

“Nipissing First Nation stands in solidarity with the people of Wet’suwet’en who are protecting their traditional territory from infringement. We must show support not only for the rights of the Wet’suwet’en people, but also to affirm our own rights to govern and protect our lands,” the statement says.

The show of support from Nipissing First Nation comes as Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs were set to meet for a second day with senior federal and provincial ministers Friday to discuss the Coastal GasLink pipeline project in B.C.

Demonstrations and rail disruptions have escalated in recent weeks following the arrests earlier this month of hereditary chiefs and their supporters after the RCMP enforced a court injunction, granted to Coastal GasLink, that called for the removal of any obstructions from roads, bridges or work sites the company has been authorized to use in Wet’suwet’en territory.

Two rallies have since taken place in North Bay in support of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

Coastal GasLink also has agreed to a two-day pause in its activities in northwestern B.C. and the RCMP has committed to ending patrols along a critical roadway while the negotiations unfold.

Nipissing First Nation chief and council, meanwhile, say Canada is breaking its own rule of law and has yet to ratify the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

They add that the support shown across the country, and even globally, is evidence that many people who have taken the time to inform themselves understand the injustices Indigenous people face.

“Nipissing First Nation’s leadership supports our Wet’suwet’en family’s sovereign right to self-determination, including the right to govern and protect their lands. They need the time and space to move forward with a unified voice in whatever direction they choose to take,” they said.

“What we’ve seen from mainstream media and Canada’s leadership is alarming and distressing. It’s an example of reconciliation at its worst, and colonization at its best. This is not just about pipelines. Indigenous people deserve better.”

Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare, meanwhile, is calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to meet with the hereditary chiefs and come to a “peaceful and respectful resolve” together.

In a statement, Hare said the events unfolding harken back to September 1995 when protesters occupied Ipperwash Park and unarmed protester Anthony “Dudley” George was killed by an Ontario Provincial Police sniper.

He also highlighted other longstanding issues — 25-year boil water advisories in Ontario and Canada’s decision to challenge the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal compensation ruling for First Nations children, youth and families — calling them not just First Nations issues, but human rights issues.

“We understand that some of our citizens are participating in protests and we hold the health and safety of First Nation citizens in the highest regard,” he said. “We urge citizens not to engage or dialogue with those making racist comments or who are exhibiting harassing behaviour.” SOURCE

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