All eyes are watching as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) began their invasion on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory.  We wanted to provide the map above along with a brief update from our Wet’suwet’en relatives so you can better understand the lay of the land in the fight against TC Energy’s Coastal GasLink pipeline being forced on the homelands of the Wet’suwet’en. Keep scrolling after updates for ways to take action.


January 5th, 2020 Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs representing all five clans of the Wet’suwet’en Nation evicted Coastal GasLink (CGL) from their territories. CGL does not have consent to construct their $6.6 billion fracked gas pipeline. CGL is trying to push through their project on unceded Indigenous territories.

“Under ‘Anuc niwh’it’en (Wet’suwet’en law) all five clans of the Wet’suwet’en have unanimously opposed all pipeline proposals and have not provided free, prior, and informed consent to Coastal Gaslink/TransCanada to do work on Wet’suwet’en lands.” The Royal Canadian Mountain Police are invading the land to clear it of Indigenous land defenders and their supporters so that CGL can continue work. Hereditary Chief Dsta’hyl (Liksamisu Clan) said, “wet’suwet’en will enforce the eviction of Coastal Gaslink with any means at their disposal.”

RCMP spent $3.6 million in the first three months they invaded Wet’suwet’en territory. They’ve now been here for 13 months. How many millions of dollars has RCMP spent finding our Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and Two Spirits? The connection to our MMIWG2S epidemic and pipeline industrial man camps is well know. We know that with violence to Indigenous lands comes violence to Indigenous peoples.

+ + + +

Day Three, February 8th, 2020 :

Unist’ot’en Camp 66km

RCMP has made it the gates of the Unist’ot’en Camp at 66km. Unist’ot’en matriarchs went into ceremony to call on ancestors and cremated a Canadian flag marked with the words “Reconciliation is dead.” Freda Huson threw the injunction and shouted “this is all its worth, the paper its written on.” RCMP helicopters have retreated for now.

1:28 pm – 4 arrests reported at 27km, Gisdewe cabin. Media being held back from accurately reporting the invasion for the third day in the row.

+ + + +

Day two, February 7th, 2020
Gidimt’en Checkpoint 44 km

Dozens of RCMP officers breached the gates here, four waves of helicopters dropped off tactical officers to surround the homesite with assault rifles and police dogs. The four land defenders arrested during the Gidimt’en invasion are still in custody. They have refused to sign conditions of release that will prohibit them from visiting homesites on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory. Among those arrested are Gidimt’en Chief Woos’ daughter Eve Saint, Anne Spice of the tlingit nation, Denzel Sutherland-Wilson of the Gitxsan nation, and a Mohawk supporter.

+ + + +

Day One, February 6, 2020
Media Camp Invasion 27 km

Dozens of militarized police with assault rifles and dogs have been deployed against unarmed Wet’suwet’en land defenders on unceded Indigenous land. At least 100 police are part of the operation. Six arrests were made, while two Wet’suwet’en home sites remain in the path of police violence, including the Unist’ot’en Healing Center founded in 2015.


You can donate to legal defense/support funds here:

Gidimt’en: https://bit.ly/389LIoo

Unist’ot’en: https://bit.ly/2SnIiYy

Likht’samisyu: https://bit.ly/388m3wu

To follow the events of the invasion: 



On twitter @UnistotenCamp

Hashtags for Social Media: 




Download the Wet’suwet’en Supporter Toolkit 2020 here:


Hold a solidarity action

Find A Solidarity Action Near You:


Watch this video of Freda Huson, Healing Center founder, giving an update 31 days after the eviction:


Video of heavily militarized police invading #Wetsuweten territories:


More Video militarized police with assault rifles and dogs have been deployed against unarmed Wet’suwet’en land defenders:



Contact the British Columbian Government here:

Premier John Horgan

Minister of Indigenous Relations and “Reconciliation” Scott Fraser

Attorney General David Eby

Minister of Public Safety Mike Farnworth

Minister of Forest Lands and Natural Resources Operations and Rural Development and MLA for Stikine-Wet’suwet’en Territory Doug Donaldson

Contact CGL Operator TC Energy (Formerly TransCanada):

Corporate Head Office
450 – 1 Street S.W. Calgary, AB
Canada, T2P 5H1

Corporate Head Office
700 Louisiana St,
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: (832.320.5000

Contact CGL Operator KKR :

9 West 57th Street
Suite 4200
New York, New York 10019
+ 1 (212) 750-8300


600 Travis Street
Suite 7200
Houston, Texas 77002
+ 1 (713) 343-5142


2800 Sand Hill Road
Suite 200
Menlo Park, California 94025
+ 1 (650) 233-6560

Do not look away as Indigenous peoples are being pushed off their land. Reconciliation isn’t violence against Indigenous peoples.


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