Doug Ford government one of the most ‘anti-environmental’ in generations, says Green Party leader

Environment Minister Rod Phillips says plan will keep Ontario on track to meet federal targets

Environment Minister Rod Phillips, seen here with Ontario Premier Doug Ford, is defending the province’s climate plan in the face of mounting criticism by environmentalists. (Cole Burston/Canadian Press)

The Progressive Conservative government is defending its plan for the environment despite mounting criticism it’s not aggressive enough to make a difference in the fight against climate change.

“This government is being reckless with our future,” Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner said.

Schreiner is critical of just about everything Doug Ford’s government has done with related files since taking power, many of which appeared in the budget:

“They’ve been one of the most anti-environmental provincial governments we’ve had in generations,” said Schreiner. MORE

This seems like a fitting response to all the neoliberal  climate deniers:

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